2023 | VEO Employee Benefit Guide

The Qualified Transportation Expense Program (QTE) is an IRS Qualified Transportation Expense benefit that will allow employees to conveniently set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible commuting expenses. Employees will also be allowed to deduct post-tax dollars for deposit into their QTE account for expenses greater than the pre-tax limits. BRI has been selected as the third party administrator for this program. They will issue employees an Benefits Card which will store your payroll deducted funds. The monthly limits for 2023 are $300 for transit and $300 for parking.

The website for Benefit Resource Inc. is BenefitResource.com and the Transportation Customer Service number is Toll Free 800.473.9595.

For additional information, please refer to your detailed plan summary. In the event of a discrepancy, the carrier Plan Document shall prevail.

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