2024 Employee Benefit Guide - SSP - Yeled 11.8.23






• Medical Plan Deductibles • Prescription Drugs • OTC Medications • Vision Exams/Glasses/ Contacts

Enrollees will receive a Beniversal Mastercard that can be used to pay for eligible expenses. Employees have immediate access to the entire contribution amount from the 1st day of the benefit year, before contributions have been made Enrollees will receive a Beniversal Mastercard that can be used to pay for eligible expenses. Employees have immediate access to the entire contribution amount from the 1st day of the benefit year, before contributions have been made You will be able to submit claims up to your year-to-date accumulated amount in your account (You will only be reimbursed based on your accumulated contribution amounts)

Maximum contribution is $3,200 for the 2024 plan year Any amounts of $610 or less remaining at the end of the plan year (December 31, 2024) will automatically roll over to the following plan year Maximum contribution is $3,200 for the 2024 plan year for Dental and Vision Expenses only Any amounts of $610 or less remaining at the end of the plan year (December 31, 2024) will automatically roll over to the following plan year


• Save 20% - 40% on your health care expenses • Save on eligible purchases not covered by insurance • Reduce your taxable income

• Laser Eye Surgery • Menstrual products

Only Dental and Vision Expenses are eligible for reimbursement • Dental and Orthodontia • Vision Exams/Eyeglasses/Contacts • Laser Eye Surgery

LIMITED PURPOSE FSA (for employees who participate in the High Deductible Health Plan)

• Daycare • Day Camp • Eldercare • Before and After School Care • MetroCard • LIRR, MetroNorth or other Train Tickets • Rideshares

There is no minimum contribution per year

• Save 20% - 40% on childcare or eldercare expenses


Maximum contribution is $5,000 for the 2024 plan year

Between $10 and $315 per month

An employee with a $125 monthly expense saves an estimated $650 annually Employees with higher commuting expenses could save as much as $1,500* annually for both mass transit and parking

Funds in the Commuter Accounts will continue to roll over. You can start and stop deductions throughout the year


Enrollees will receive a Beniversal Mastercard that can be used to pay for eligible expenses

Between $10 and $315 per month

• Qualified Parking Expenses near work, train or rideshare

Funds in the Commuter Accounts will continue to roll over. You can start and stop deductions throughout the year


You may be required to provide substantiation, complete the processing of your claim and check your balance(s). Your contribution are deducted on a bi-weekly basis.

For additional plan information, please refer to your detailed plan design provided by the carrier. In the event of a discrepancy, the carrier Plan Document shall prevail.

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