PR - 4.2024 Employee Benefits Guide (FINAL)
NEW YORK PAID FAMILY LEAVE (NY ONLY) The New York Paid Family Leave law may provide up to twelve (12) weeks of benefits to covered individuals to bond with newborn or newly adopted children and to care for sick qualified family members. RHODE ISLAND TEMPORARY CAREGIVER INSURANCE (RI ONLY) The Rhode Island Temporary Caregiver Insurance may provide benefits to covered individuals to bond with newborn or newly adopted children and to care for sick qualified family members. MASSACHUSETTS PAID FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE (MA ONLY) (Eff. January 1, 2021) The Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave may provide up to 26 weeks of paid benefits to covered individuals own medical condition; to bond with newborn ornewly adopted children; and to care for sick qualified familymembers. EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATIONS Communication screens will be used for posting materials pertaining to Company business and Company Announcements of interest to employees. All employees are expected to check periodically for new and/or updated information and to follow the rules set forth in all posted notices. PAY PERIODS/PAYCHECKS/DIRECT DEPOSIT Party Rental employees are paid on a biweekly basis. Our pay week runs from Sunday to Saturday and Pay Periods run for Two (2) weeks. Paydays are every other Friday and Paychecks are distributed by Human Resources (see HR for a copy of the payroll calendar). Direct deposit of payroll is offered. Direct deposit provides employees with greater convenience, security, and availability of funds on payday. PERSONNEL RECORD CHANGES
Employees must inform Human Resources of any changes to the following: name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of children, addition/deletion of dependents, beneficiary of your benefit plans, change in tax filing status, completion of an educational program, outside employment and person to notify of an illness or injury. employees who have been employed for more than 1 year with regular full-time status are eligible to rent particular Party Rental Ltd. equipment. Benefits are based on an employee’s length of service. This is an annual benefit based on hire date (or date you first became a Regular Full-Time Status employee). Ask Human Resources for more details. OTHER DISCOUNT PROGRAMS Information on all discount programs can be found in Human Resources. OPEN DOOR POLICY If employees have concerns about their employment at Party Rental Ltd., they are strongly encouraged to voice these concerns openly and directly to their Supervisors. Our experience has shown that when employees deal openly and directly with Supervisors, the work environment can be excellent, communications can be clear, and attitudes can be positive. We believe that Party Rental Ltd. amply demonstrates its commitment to employees by responding effectively to employee concerns. Party Rental Ltd. believes open communication is critical to understanding and meeting employees’ and customers’ needs. Through our Open-Door Policy, we encourage employees to feel free to share suggestions, ideas, and voice concerns; whether it is help with a work-related problem or simply getting an answer to a question. EMPLOYEE RENTAL PROGRAM All Regular Fulltime Status Party Rental Ltd.
QUESTIONS? Call Bene fi tsVIP at 866.293.9736 For addi Ɵ onal plan informa Ɵ on, please refer to your detailed plan design. In the event of a discrepancy, the carrier Plan Document shall prevail.
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