Our wellness campaigns align workforce health objectives with the employer’s long-term EXVLQHVV DQG ÀQDQFLDO JRDOV
Corporate Synergies’ metrics-driven employee wellness and disease management programs promote informed behaviors and personal HQJDJHPHQW LQ VXSSRUW RI LPSURYHG RUJDQL]DWLRQDO KHDOWK Our in-house strategists develop programs that emphasize taking personal responsibility for health, heighten engagement in the wellness process and LQFUHDVH KHDOWKFDUH FRQVXPHULVP ENCOURAGING HEALTHY BEHAVIORS $ KHDOWK\ EXVLQHVV EHJLQV DQG HQGV ZLWK D KHDOWK\ ZRUNIRUFH :HOOQHVV programs help keep employees productive and reduce the number of costly FODLPV Health risk assessments and screenings can identify costly conditions and promote early intervention through smartly designed and executed disease PDQDJHPHQW SURJUDPV /LIHVW\OH PDQDJHPHQW SURJUDPV FDQ UHGXFH ULVN factors and encourage healthy behavio UV OLNH EDODQFHG QXWULWLRQ DQG H[HUFLVH YOUR WELLNESS HUB Our wellness programs are designed to create enduring cultural changes tied GLUHFWO\ WR \RXU KHDOWKFDUH VWUDWHJ\ AN INCLUSIVE, AUTHENTIC APPROACH TO WELL-BEING :,7+ 7+( 5,*+7 3$571(5
$36.4 billion is lost by US employers from employee absences due to 5 chronic diseases RU ULVN IDFWRUV 1 For every $1 spent on wellness programs: Medical costs fell by $3.27 and absenteeism costs fell by $2.73 2
57 %
of employers offer a ZHOOQHVV SURJUDP 3
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