

CIVIC & CHARITABLE Paying it forward with a focus on health, wellness and nutrition. Our 2024 past and current missions include:

Q Helping Hands warm winter essentials collection Q Hope Loves Company Chocolate Meltdown volunteers Q Joseph’s House meal prep Q Lion’s Clubs International used eyeglass collection Q Mastery Schools coat drive Q One Sandwich at a Time meal prep Q Operation Gratitude greeting card collection Q Philabundance Campout for Hunger food drive Q Ronald McDonald House of Southern NJ can tab collection, fundraiser & dinner service Q Rutgers Dress for Success clothing drive Q So Others May Eat golf outing Q Unforgotten Haven toiletries collection Q United Cerebral Palsy of Long Island Brushstrokes notecard sale Q United Ukrainian American Relief Committee volunteers

Q Acenda Integrated Health backpack drive Q American Foundation for Suicide Prevention overnight walk Q American Red Cross blood drive Q Animal Welfare Association volunteers Q Cathedral Kitchen food donations, meal prep & volunteers Q Children’s Choice toy drive Q Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Parkway Run & Walk Q City of Camden Trunk or Treat Q Drueding Center toy drive Q Easterseals Northeast Central Florida wish list Q Feed My Starving Children meal prep Q Food Bank of South Jersey tote bag donations Q For the Love of Pete’s Pantry blessing bags collection/packing Q Foster the Family 5K Walk/Fun Run and toy drive Q God’s Love We Deliver meal prep Q Got Sneakers recyclable collection Q Habitat for Humanity site build

Q Walk to End Lupus Now Q World Relief fundraiser

COMFORT & JOY Recognizing, supporting & advancing our teams. Pausing for vital mental breaks. Our 2024 support & events include:

Q Eldercare articles Q Take Your Child to Work Day Q Summer Water Challenge Q Ice Cream Social with Sr. Leaders Q Spirit Week & Holiday Parties

Q Birthday Bonuses Q Appreciation Breakfasts/Lunches Q Random Raffles Q Budgeting & Savings Tips

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