OUR CARES PROGRAM The Corporate Synergies CARES Committee is comprised of charitable-minded employees working toward civic leadership for our clients & local communities. With the aid of our enthusiastic members, we pay it forward to our nonprofit clients, local communities and each other, through charitable missions, employee support efforts, and fun breaks & activities. PAYING IT FORWARD “Thank you again for inviting the CARES Committee to participate in our Toy Drive this year! Your team was so incredibly generous and really helped us reach our goals for collecting toys!”
— Foster the Family toy drive
“Thank you for your generosity in ensuring each child can grow and learn to their fullest potential this upcoming school year.”
— Acenda, Inc., backpack drive
“We are all very grateful for this donation! We love the partnership we have with Corporate Synergies and look forward to continued collaboration.”
— World Relief, fundraiser 2022
“Thank you so much! You have no idea how much we appreciate the support from you and your entire team! Your generosity to our families in need will not be forgotten.”
— Drueding Center toy drive 2022
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